Fiesta en honor a Nuestra Señora de Fátima y la Santa Cruz, La Punta

The festival in honour of Our Lady Fatima was initially dedicated to the Holy Cross that stood next to the El Cardalito spring, in the neighbourhood La Punta. But when, in the 1960s, the church of Our Lady Fatima was opened, the celebration of the Holy Cross joined with the celebration in honour of the patron saint, because of their proximity on the calendar. Both festivals, now joined together as one, are held in the week around the 13th of May. During the festivities, a pilgrimage takes place in the vicinity of La Costa. Apart from this procession, special events are organized for small children and for the youth. On the Day of the Virgin, a mass is held, followed by a procession that culminates in a religious, artistic performance and fireworks. This celebration is organized every year by the local population.